Exploring Acumatica and NetSuite ERP Solutions

The choice between cloud-based and on-premise software solutions is a crucial decision for businesses. Acumatica and NetSuite are two prominent players in the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) space, offering both cloud and on-premise options tailored to meet diverse business needs. This blog explores the features, benefits, and considerations of these solutions, focusing on their evolution […]
The Power of Integrated ERP Solutions

Organizations often grapple with the challenges of managing diverse operations effectively. At AmplifyTech, we understand the importance of having the right tools in place to support growth and operational efficiency. Having started with NetSuite, we have come to appreciate the immense functionality it offers across various industries. As our client base expanded, we recognized the […]
Controllers | Finance Leaders | ERPs series III

One of the most important questions we ask CFOs looking to become Amplifiers is to tell us about times they’ve been strategic or involved in strategy. Sometimes, we hear about ERP implementations. We get it—these can be large and transformational projects. Technology can strategically change accounting and finance roles, helping scale the business. We agree […]
Controllers | Finance Leaders | ERPs series II

Wayne Gretzky famously said, “I skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.” This mindset doesn’t just apply to sports—it’s a good one in business, too. For Controllers, Finance Leaders, and decision-makers, selecting the right ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is all about anticipating future needs and positioning your business for […]
Controllers | Finance Leaders | ERPs series

Let’s Discuss the Hurdle of ERPs on our Upcoming Finance Leaders Don’t you hate it when you face a challenge with uncertainty? You want to be the confident leader you know you can be, yet you are unsure. Controllers and Finance Leaders often experience this when it’s time to look at ERPs. Here are some […]
ROI on Cloud ERP

Like you, we are troubled by the growing costs of scaling a business and the complexity of ensuring that your investments pay off. Many of our clients struggle with the cost of technology and ERPs. Here are some considerations to help you understand it. Hopefully, these factors can help you assess whether you are ready. […]
How AmplifyTech Empowers Growing Businesses with Acumatica

We, at AmplifyTech, are thrilled to help clients manage projects. We know how hard it is to scale and manage growing teams and client bases. We’ve seen disastrous consequences from companies that did not have control over invoicing, change orders and project costing. Organizations that win their most significant opportunity and celebrate only to mismanage […]
Salesforce and “Best-in-Class”: Are They Killing the All-in-One Enterprise Dream?

Enterprise Resources (ERPs) are threatened by specialized ‘best-in-class’ software solutions like Salesforce. The appeal of an all-in-one system with a single source of the truth and full access to all data is still strong. However, the user-friendly practicality of “best-in-class” makes it harder to accept some functionality limitations within ERPs. Further, the ownership of the […]
From Cloud to AI: How NetSuite and Acumatica Are Pioneering the Next Tech Wave!

NetSuite and Acumatica are proactively incorporating AI technologies into their ERP offerings. Below is a summary of how NetSuite & Acumatica demonstrates its dedication to AI and its efforts to stay current with technological trends. The list is not inclusive but illustrates some of the AI opportunities of each option. These initiatives show that NetSuite […]
Data Disasters: How Poor Management Can Derail AI Dreams!

It Used to Be “Bad Input, Bad Output,” and Now it’s “Bad Input, Bad Robot”? Good data management is essential for the effective use of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) because it ensures that the data used to train AI models is accurate, complete, and representative. Here’s why good data management is crucial for AI effectiveness: – […]